I'm not quite sure how to wrap c's const. This page, http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/htomodule.html, says:
D has const as a type modifier.
        void foo(const int *p, char *const q);
        void foo(const int* p, const char* q);
But D's const is transitive - there are no const pointers to mutable types in D. When encountering such in C code, simply drop the const.

So const on basic types should be const in D too. It also says "char const* q". Is "const char*" the same thing in C?

But this page, http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/interfaceToC.html, says:
There are no const or volatile type modifiers in D. To declare a C function that uses those type modifiers, just drop those keywords from the declaration.
So all const modifiers should be dropped everywhere..?

And should the const be dropped here?
struct somestruct {
  const struct otherstruct;

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