On Monday, 13 September 2021 at 04:08:53 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:

On 13/09/2021 3:21 PM, leikang wrote:
Are there any recommended books or videos to learn about the principles of compilation? What else should I learn besides the principles of compilation?

The classic book on compilers that Walter recommends is the dragon book.


(D Language Foundation is a charity Amazon Smile recognizes).

The dragon book is really really showing it's age these days so I would highly recommend getting a copy but not reading it fully. "Engineering a compiler" is much better pedagogically. The dragon book barely mentions SSA for example, although the sections they did properly bother to update towards the end are quite interesting.

"Crafting interpreters" is quite good, I recommend it for learning how to actually write a parser without getting bogged down in totally useless theory.

Stephen Muchnick's "Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation" is *the* bible for optimizations, but uses a very weird unimplemented language so be careful for bugs.

"Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures: A Dependence-based Approach" is the only book I'm aware of that actually covers even the beginnings of modern loop optimizations thoroughly. Even this however is still somewhat set back by it being written 20 years ago, the principles are the same but the instinct is not i.e. memory latency is worse, ILP is much better.

What all of these books have in common, by the way, is that they were all written at a time when it was assumed that x86 would go the way of the dodo. So there is a somewhat significant deviation from "theory" and practice in some parts as (say) x86 SIMD is quite different from how the authors of the aforementioned book expected the world to go.

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