On Thursday, 16 September 2021 at 10:28:37 UTC, frame wrote:
I have C-code translated in D that acts sometimes incorrect if the GC has made some collect. I would like to know why.

- Code runs correct if the GC collections are off
- There are no allocations within the C-translated-code except `throw new` (but they are not called) - All allocations made in C-translated-code are still calloc/malloc `ed - Even if I disable the GC before calling the function and just enable it after there will be an incorrect result - Data passed to the function belongs to a struct and the function is called in a member function and is always correct

The main public function accepts a char* and returns a char*. Signature is like this:
char* fun(ref int, ref int, size_t, const char*, out int, out int, out int, uint);
Input paramter gets the pointer from char[] `.ptr` property (and length must be supplied too).

I didn't want to change the code much so I have some piece like that:
// const char *s2 = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_";
char* s2 = "!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_".dup.ptr;
Could this cause the issue? But the pointer is not used outside the function where it's created.

Use toStringz and not .ptr.

Or append \0 to your string.

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