On 12/9/22 22:11, thebluepandabear wrote:

> I was wondering more if there is an object oriented way of creating
> arrays,

Every collection has its own special interface. Object orientation don't go well with collections. For example, you wouldn't want indexing operator for a linked list.

> like in Java there is an `ArrayList`, in C++ there is
> `std::vector`, etc.

They are all dynamic arrays behind the scenes.

Arrays are so much better than linked lists that linked lists don't have much use outside of interviews.

- Arrays use less memory

- Provide constant time element access

- Amortized constant time element addition

- Constant time element removal in some cases (move the last element in place of the removed one)

- Ability to sort to find elements in logN time later on

- Arrays get special help from the CPU (e.g. cache prefetches)

There isn't a single point in favor of linked lists.


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