Yes, the docs don't elaborate or include an example. So, for posterity's 
sake here's a quick example:

import std.stdio,

void main()
        auto foo = new Foo;
        auto listener = new Listener;


        foo.doClick(10, 10);
        foo.doFoo("a message");

class Foo 
        void doClick(int x, int y) { onClick.emit(x, y); }
        void doFoo(string s) { onFoo.emit(s); }

        mixin Signal!(int,int) onClick;
        mixin Signal!(string) onFoo;

class Listener
        void clickHandler(int x, int y)
                writeln("Clicked at ", x, ",", y);

        void fooHandler(string bar)
                writeln("Got ", bar);

$ rdmd test.d
Clicked at 10,10
Got a message

Spacen Jasset wrote:

> On 11/10/2011 18:12, Justin Whear wrote:
>>  From the docs:
>> "Different signals can be added to a class by naming the mixins."
>> So I think something like this ought to work:
>> mixin Signal!(string) onBlah;
>> mixin Signal!(int, int) onClicketyClick;
>> Peter Ravinovich wrote:
>>> Is there a way to have several signals per object?
>>> The example in std.signal seams to suggest that only one signal per
>>> object can be emmited. Is it possible to have several events launched as
>>> it's possible in .NET?
>>> For example, bind one object to onClick and another to onKeyUp.
>>> Thanks
> I think this has come up before. It doesn't seem particularly intuitive.
> Perhaps it should be that the signals must be explicit to make things
> clear cut.

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