On 2/16/2012 4:07 AM, Chris Pons wrote:
I am sorry about the double post. I am in the middle of trying to
install derelict following this tutorial:


However, when I get to the third step I get this error:

Error 1 Error: module gl is in file 'derelict\opengl\gl.d' which cannot
be read D:\Documents\Projects\Test\Test\main.d 3

I am assuming this means that gl.d can not be found. However, my
derelict source files are in


Probably not a good idea to put this in the dmd directory. It makes it less easy to upgrade dmd.

In my VS project under the options panel, I pointed my DMD install path
to D:\Documents\Projects\DMD2 .

Do I need to set the Import and Library path as well?

Yes. When you compile Derelict2, .di files are generated in the import subdirectory and the libraries in the lib subdirectory. I would just pass -I<derelict-root>/import on the command line, and add pragma(lib, "path/to/DerelictSomething.lib" or (libDerelictSomething.a) to your source modules.

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