On 09/10/2012 01:20 AM, timotheecour wrote:
I'd like to achieve the following:
import std.stdio,std.range,std.algorithm,std.array;
void main(){
    auto dg=a=>a*2;
    auto a=iota(0,10);
but this doesn't compile:
Error: variable [...]dg type void is inferred from initializer delegate
(__T26 a)
return a * 2;
, and variables cannot be of type void

However this works:
but I want to reuse dg in other expressions (and avoid repeating myself)
Also, I want to avoid using string litteral enum dg=`a*2` as in my case
dg is much more complicated and this is cleaner without a string IMHO.

My questions:
1) why can't the compiler infer the type int(int) for dg?

Because it can't. D unfortunately does not have powerful type inference.

2) how to convert a lambda a=>a*2 to a delegate or function?

Those need full type information. The lambda as shown is generic.

3) if 2 is not possible, how to achieve what I'm trying to do WITHOUT
having to make the type explicit as in "int delegate(int) dg=(int
a){return a*2;}"?

template ID(alias a){ alias a ID; }

void main(){
    alias ID!(a=>a*2) dg;
    auto a=iota(0,10);

4) is there a way to have template delegates, and what's the syntax in
this simple example?

Already shown.

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