On 02/04/2013 05:15 PM, Dan wrote:
I've seen these type of errors often and usually the cause kind of jumps
out. In this case I'm totally confused. Just trying to move from 2.06 to

The code is: http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/f40e4d6f
and fails with the error in subject line. Observations:

- If "static if(1)" is changed to "static if(0)" it compiles
- If either _valuationHistory or goo member of BSItem is commented out
it compiles.

I know the code is somewhat cryptic, but I've been using binary
reduction comment in/out to try to narrow down this issue. I can not
understand why an introduction of opEquals on a struct History with no
relationship to RC causes an error to show for RC.


Further reduced:

struct History(V) {

  bool opEquals(const typeof(this) other) const {
    return true;

struct RC {
  this(this) { _impl = _impl.dup; }
  string[] _impl;

struct BSItem {
  ValuationHistory _valuationHistory;
  RC[int] goo;

struct ValuationHistory {
  History!double _history;

void main() {

The problem is related to History.opEquals being 'const'. Remove that 'const' and the code compiles. This must be a (lack of) const-correctness issue.


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