21-Jul-2013 00:19, Namespace пишет:
Let us assume we have a method of a class which is used often and the
method is called periodically and must allocate every time a array
between 100 and 4000 elements. What would you do?

1. Simple: float[] array;
2. Reserve: float[] array; array.reserve(N); /// N is a parameter value
3. Use manual memory allocation (e.g. with malloc) and free the memory
immediately at the end of the scope.
4. Use stack allocated memory (But maybe 4000 is too big?)

Currently I would prefer #3, the manual memory allocation because I can
then control when _exactly_ the memory is released. But I want to hear
other opinions. :)

5. Keep a TLS scratch pad buffer (static class member) for said 100-4000 floats and re-use it.

Dmitry Olshansky

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