On Tuesday, 14 January 2014 at 06:48:48 UTC, Mineko wrote:
Sorry for the double post, I should be more specific.
.dup worked, I don't know how to have the GC proxy for shared libs though.

the reason string.dup worked is due to GC on app side, right after the moment your lib receive the original string it is may be marked by GC for collection, so you need to save a copy on lib side. but using the proxies it should work without copying.

for windows here is the topic about this http://dlang.org/dll.html

for *nix platforms it should be the same.

in short(pseudocode):

extern(C) void* gc_getProxy();

void main()
  initLib( gc_getProxy() );
  ... do something ...


extern (C)
    void  gc_setProxy(void* p);
    void  gc_clrProxy();

export void initLib(void* gc)

export void libFinalize()

as i said i don't know about current status of shared libs, but there was some progress on linux and Windows, and unfortunatelly not OS X...

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