On Wednesday, 22 January 2014 at 11:14:22 UTC, ilya-stromberg wrote:
Do you know any library with OAuth support?

I did one extremely biased toward what I needed to do:


also requires cgi.d and curl.d from my same repo. I believe this also uses the free library mhash so you'll need that installed on your system too.

The basic way it works is you put the params into an struct. I already filled in twitter and some others.

Then to get a token, you can call authorizeStepOne and later, authorizeStepTwo. Then use curlOauth with your tokens to do requests. At the bottom, there's also some signature checking things for doing an OAuth server.

But since it is pretty well tied into my cgi.d and is written just for what I needed, it might be a pain to use...

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