On Sunday, 18 May 2014 at 19:09:52 UTC, Chris Cain wrote:
On Sunday, 18 May 2014 at 18:55:59 UTC, Tim wrote:
Hi everyone,

is there any chance to modify a char in a string like:

As you've seen, you cannot modify immutables (string is an immutable(char)[]). If you actually do want the string to be modifiable, you should define it as char[] instead.

Then your example will work:

    void main()
       char[] sMyText = "Replace the last char_";
       sMyText[$ - 1] = '.';

If you actually want it to be immutable, you can still do it, but you can't modify in-place, you must create a new string that looks like what you want:

    void main()
       string sMyText = "Replace the last char_";
       sMyText = sMyText[0 .. $-1] ~ ".";
       // you would do
       //sMyText[0 .. 5] ~ "." ~ sMyText[6..$];
       // to "replace" something in the 5th position

Note that the second method allocates and uses the GC more (which is perfectly fine, but not something you want to do in a tight loop). For most circumstances, the second method is good.

Thanks - I already tried:

     void main()
        char[] sMyText = "Replace the last char_";
        sMyText[$ - 1] = '.';

but I always getting "Error: cannot implicitly convert expression ("Replace the last char_") of type string to char[]". I know, I can use cast(char[]) but I don't like casts for such simple things...

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