On 05/19/2014 10:07 AM, Tim wrote:

> I already tried:
>       void main()
>       {
>          char[] sMyText = "Replace the last char_";
>          sMyText[$ - 1] = '.';
>       }
> but I always getting "Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
> ("Replace the last char_") of type string to char[]".

That's a good thing because that string literal is immutable. If that code compiled you would get undefined behavior.

> I know, I can use cast(char[])

Unfortunately, not in this case. That undefined behavior would manifest itself as a "Segmentation fault" on many systems. :)

> but I don't like casts for such simple things...

What you want to do makes sense only if you have a mutable ASCII string. Such strings are generated at run time so the problem is usually a non issue:

import std.stdio;

void main()
    foreach (line; stdin.byLine) {
        char[] s = line.dup;    // (or .idup if you want immutable)
        s[$-1] = '.';
        writefln("Input : %s", line);
        writefln("Output: %s", s);


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