Ive been reading the OSX notes for the DMD compiler but not everything is clear to me as i dont know how exactly the compiler looks for things.

i wanted to test it out first using this package from code.dlang.org
I downloaded the zip, extracted it, and dub was able to spit out a static library with the ".a" extension.
What do i do with it now? Where do i place it?

I have imported the library like it says "import colorize : colorize, fg;" After i call dmd in the terminal like "$ dmd main.d", All i get are linker errors but no compile errors even if i reference the static library in the same drectory as my main.d source file like so, "$ dmd main.d libcolorize.a"

Then the package mentions adding colorize as a dependency to my projects json file so i used the -X switch to generate it but i dont know exactly where the dependencies section goes.

As for the linker errors, they mention mostly:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_D4dlib4math6matrix16__T6MatrixTdVi4Z6Matrix11__xopEqualsFKxS4dlib4math6matrix16__T6MatrixTdVi4Z6MatrixKxS4dlib4math6matrix16__T6MatrixTdVi4Z6MatrixZb", referenced from: _D52TypeInfo_S4dlib4math6matrix16__T6MatrixTdVi4Z6Matrix6__initZ in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64

Does this mean this library is just not compatible with OSX?

Extra Notes:
I have Xcode Installed along with the command line tools so GCC is in there too.
OSX 10.9.4
X11 - XQuartz

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