On Friday, 15 August 2014 at 11:57:30 UTC, Messenger wrote:
T[size] beats all of those on dmd head, though it is inarguably a
bit limiting.

Hey guys, just a bit of background and my own understanding of
Appender, having worked on it a fair bit.

First of all, Appender was not designed as a neck-breaking,
mind-bending speed object. It is merely a "tool" to offset the
"slow" GC-based appending.

Indeed, when doing a raw GC-append, you first have to give the GC
a pointer to the start of your array. The GC will then lookup in
which block that pointer belongs, then look up the info related
to that block, check if appending is possible, and then do the
append proper...
...And then it will do all that all over again on the next append.

Appender is simply a tool to "cache" the results of that once,
and then do quicker appends.

There are two other things to take into consideration with
Appender: For starters, it can append to an *existing* array it
is given. Second, you may destroy the Appender object at any
time, and the referenced array is still valid: Appender does not
*own* its buffer, and as such, is not allowed certain

Really, it's just designed for convenience and "pretty good

Also, another thing to take into account when benchmarking, is
that Appender is a reference semantic object: It has a payload
which itself references an array. This creates a double
indirection. This usually doesn't have much impact, but with the
right optimizations, it can probably explain the x10 performance
differences we are seeing, in our *synthetic* benchmarks. I have
some doubts about the validity of the results in a real

So TL;DR; yeah, you can probably do faster. But Appender is
convenient, fast enough, and works with the GC.

If you *do* need super speeds, look into something a bit more
manual: Walter's ScopeBuffer would be a good choice.

I also did some work on something called ScopeAppender, but
didn't have time to finish it yet.
It provides better speeds and deterministic management, at the
cost of partial private buffer ownership.

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