On Thu, 21 Aug 2014 05:39:14 +0000
Shachar via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com>

> auto onDispatch(string m, Args...)(Args args)
first: opDispatch, not onDispatch.

second: underscoresToCamelCase() can't be evaluated in compile-time
anymore. the necessary changes:

1. add 'import std.string' -- we need toUpper() from this module.
2. change toupper(c) to toUpper(c) (first thing why ctfe fails)
3. remove 'result.reserve(sym.length);' line (second thing why ctfe
4. uncomment 'return' in opDispatch. %-)

that will do the trick.

to check if underscoresToCamelCase() can be evaluated in compile time,
you can add this line to the first unittest block:

  enum t = underscoresToCamelCase("hello_world");

then compiler will tell you why it can't evaluate the function.

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