On Thu, 21 Aug 2014 05:39:14 +0000
Shachar via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com>

that's it: failing to evaluate opDispatch() template is not a
compilation error. compiler will silently try to find direct method if
opDispatch() fails. so be very careful with it.

you can add pragma(msg, "...") to your opDispatch to see if it really
compiles without errors. i.e.

  auto onDispatch(string m, Args...)(Args args) {
    pragma(msg, "m="~m);
    enum t = underscoresToCamelCase(t);
    pragma(msg, "t="~t);
    return mixin("this."~t~"(args)");

you should see output of this pragmas in compile-time. if you can't see
"t", for example, it means that evaluation of underscoresToCamelCase()

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