On 10/24/2014 07:49 AM, Shriramana Sharma via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

> the compilers
> are complaining only when I try to assign directly to the member of an
> rvalue, but if I try to assign via a non-const ref returned by a
> non-const method, then it's apparently fine?!! At least shouldn't D
> prohibit this? [Yet another case of rvalue refs being allowed to
> escape?]
> nonconst.d:
> --
> struct Pair {
>      int x, y ;
>      ref Pair handle() { return this ; }
> }
> void main () {
>      Pair(1, 2).x = 5 ;

Just to be clear, the above does not compile and the following does compile.

>      Pair(1, 2).handle.x = 5 ;
> }

Without flow analysis, it is impossible for the compiler to see that what handle() returns is an rvalue. Assuming that 'that' is an lvalue, the following should not be disallowed:

    ref Pair handle() {
        return isSomeCondition() ? this : that ;


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