On 10/24/14 10:49 AM, Shriramana Sharma via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
Hello. I realize the wording "non-const method" is probably a C++-ism
but please see the following code. In both C++ and D, the compilers
are complaining only when I try to assign directly to the member of an
rvalue, but if I try to assign via a non-const ref returned by a
non-const method, then it's apparently fine?!! At least shouldn't D
prohibit this? [Yet another case of rvalue refs being allowed to

struct Pair {
     int x, y ;
     ref Pair handle() { return this ; }
void main () {
     Pair(1, 2).x = 5 ;
     Pair(1, 2).handle.x = 5 ;
struct Pair {
     int x, y ;
     Pair(int x, int y) : x(x), y(y) {}
     Pair & handle() { return *this ; }
} ;
int main () {
     Pair(1, 2).x = 5 ;
     Pair(1, 2).handle().x = 5 ;

As a matter of practicality, rvalues are allowed to bind to the 'this' parameter of a method. I agree it's a large hole in the current philosophy of not letting rvalues bind to references.

Most irritatingly, are things that are typically only values, and don't have any references.

For example:

struct S
    int v;
    S opBinary(string op)(ref const(S) s2) const if(op == "+")
        return S(v + s2.v);

void main()
    auto s = S(2);
//  auto s2 = s + S(3); // fails
    auto s2 = S(3) + s; // OK


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