I was attempting project euler problem 22 and seeing something
weird going on with the array function in std.array.
I made the following code to demonstrate.

Given names.txt:

and code:
import std.array,std.stdio;

void main()
      { // Correct
          auto names = File("names.txt","r")

          foreach(char[] name; names ){ writeln( name ); }
      { // Converting to "array" borks the thing
          auto names = File("names.txt","r")

          foreach( char[] name; names){ writeln( name ); }

I get the following output:
➜ euler rdmd ./stdArrayBug.d


Am I using array incorrectly?
I searched bugzilla and didn't see anything pertaining to this
Should I file a bug?

DMD64 D Compiler v2.066.1
Ubuntu Linux


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