On Sunday, 15 March 2015 at 21:59:18 UTC, Charles Cooper wrote:
C++14 has:
template<class T, class... Types> constexpr T& get(tuple<Types...>& t); Which allows you to get a member of the tuple struct by type. Is there an idiomatic / library way to do this in D? Preferably by indexing.

I don't think there is. I don't know if there should be. Distinguishing tuple fields by their type doesn't seem very useful to me, since multiple fields can have the same type.

Here is what I have, it is ugly but works:
/* CODE */
static import std.stdio;
static import std.typecons;
template GetByType(alias tuple_instance, member_t)
    ref member_t GetByType() nothrow @nogc @safe {
        alias tuple_t = typeof(tuple_instance);
        static assert(std.typecons.isTuple!tuple_t);
enum long idx = std.typetuple.staticIndexOf!(member_t, tuple_instance.Types);
        static if(-1 != idx)
            return tuple_instance[idx];
        else static assert(false); //better error message

static assert(2.5 == GetByType!(std.typecons.tuple(1,2.5), double)); static assert(2.5 == GetByType!(std.typecons.tuple(1,2.5,3.1), double));
void main() {
    auto foo = std.typecons.tuple(1,2.5);
    std.stdio.writeln(GetByType!(foo, double));
/* CODE */

Is there a better way to do this?

I went over it (some notes below):

import std.typecons: Tuple;

auto ref inout(T) getFirst(T, Types ...)(auto ref inout(Tuple!Types) t)
    import std.typetuple: staticIndexOf;
    enum idx = staticIndexOf!(T, Types);
    static if(-1 != idx)
        return t[idx];
    else static assert(false); //better error message

    import std.typecons: tuple;

    assert(2.5 == tuple(1, 2.5).getFirst!double);
    assert(2.5 == tuple(1, 2.5, 3.1).getFirst!double);
    static assert(2.5 == tuple(1, 2.5).getFirst!double); // CTFE

static assert(!__traits(compiles, tuple(1, 2.5).getFirst!string));

    // lvalue tuple => lvalue result
    auto m = tuple(1, 2.5);
    m.getFirst!double = 2.1;
    assert(m[1] == 2.1);

    // rvalue tuple => rvalue result
static assert(!__traits(compiles, &tuple(1, 2.5).getFirst!double));

    // immutable/const
    immutable i = tuple(1, 2.5);
    assert(2.5 == i.getFirst!double);
    const c = tuple(1, 2.5);
    assert(2.5 == c.getFirst!double);


void main()
    import std.stdio: writeln;
    import std.typecons: tuple;
    auto foo = tuple(1, 2.5);

Using combined syntax for function template.

Made the tuple a function parameter like in the C++ version. I don't see the point in having it a template alias parameter.

Dropped `nothrow @nogc @safe`, since copying the member might not be any of that. They are inferred when possible.

Employing inout and `auto ref`.

More tests. unittest block instead of `static assert`s.


Changed name to "getFirst", since subsequent values of the same type are ignored.

Named things more like the C++ version: member_t -> T, tuple_instance -> t.

Use selective imports instead of static imports.

Use more common casing: types and type templates are PascalCased, everything else is camelCased.

Brace placement.

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