On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 13:14:21 UTC, Benjamin Thaut wrote:
On Monday, 27 April 2015 at 13:08:33 UTC, extrawurst wrote:

Don't ask me about the compiler, like stated above I have no control over the binaries, it is proprietary.

Thats bad to start with.

the C++ class basically is:

class S
union SteamID_t
                struct SteamIDComponent_t
                        uint32                          m_unAccountID : 32;
                        unsigned int            m_unAccountInstance : 20;
                        unsigned int            m_EAccountType : 4;
                        EUniverse                       m_EUniverse : 8;
                } m_comp;

                uint64 m_unAll64Bits;
        } m_steamid;

Where is the fuction declaratiosn for bar? If bar is not virtual you can not use a extern(C++) Interface. If bar is non-virtual you have to use a extern(C++) class.

of course it is all virtual. it is a c++-interface. and everything works fine under osx, that would not be the case otherwise, right ?

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