On Mon, 08 Jun 2015 20:32:56 -0700, Jonathan M Davis via
Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

> is, but personally, I think that named arguments are a terrible idea in
> general, so I'm not about to try and support a position that tries to
> bring them into D.

it's a perfect thing. i always hate that "Flag" thingy, and with named 
arguments i finally got rid of it.

  void foo (bool skipSomething);


no more additional imports and additional types for the simple things.

besides, i like `createWindow(x:10, y:10, width:20, height:40)` more than 
`createWindow(10, 10, 20, 40)`. sure, one can do all kind of acrobatics 
to emulate that, but why? ah, another thing that Walter never used so he 
doesn't see it as a good thing to have.

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