
I have been playing for a short time with D. I wanted to play with Thread, which I believe is lower level than concurrency and parallelism library (might be wrong here ?) .

I was also learning and reading about false sharing - multiple thread => same cacheline. And I decided to play with both to 1 understand more D and see the results of false sharing.

So I wrong some code. But it seems the time to process a shared struct & shared long is always the same. Regardless of adding paddings.

My thoughts is that as I'm new to D. That it can only be my fault and not doing things correctly. I doubt the compiler etc.. adds etc padding?

If you have any code to show it, it would be really great.

But this is what I have done : I found this article
and tried to emulate this. In java I do get the same result as them and can understand the code. But curious in D i get completely different results.

import std.stdio;
import core.time;
import core.thread;

void main() {
                MonoTime before =  MonoTime.currTime;
                MonoTime after = MonoTime.currTime;
                Duration timeElapsed = after - before;
                writeln("Duration is " , timeElapsed) ;


    private static void runTest()
        Thread[] threads = new Thread[4];

        for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++)
threads[i] = new FalseSharing(i);//putting a new thread in the array
                foreach(Thread t ; threads){//starts all threads
                foreach(Thread t; threads){


        class FalseSharing : Thread
                private static PaddingStruct[] longs = new PaddingStruct[4];
            private const int threadIndex;
            this(const int index)
                threadIndex = index;
                PaddingStruct a;
                longs[threadIndex] = a;
            void run()
                long i = 500L * 1000L * 1000L;
                writeln(" threadindex is -> " , threadIndex);
                writeln(" i is -> " , i);
                while (0 != --i){longs[threadIndex].value = i;}
writeln("threaded ",threadIndex," ended so a=1 -> is it? ", longs[threadIndex].value);
        struct PaddingStruct
                static shared long value = 0L; //shared across multiple thread
                //long p1,p2,p3,p4,p1a;//padding.

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