On Sunday, 13 September 2015 at 15:35:07 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
the GC heavily. And the reality of the matter is that the vast majority of programs will have _no_ problems with using the GC so long as they don't use it heavily. Programming like you're in Java and allocating everything on the heap will kill performance, but idiomatic D code doesn't do that, and Phobos doesn't do that. Far too many programmers freak out at the thought of D even having a GC and overreact thinking that they have to root it out completely, when there really is no need to. Plenty of folks how written highly performant code in D using the GC. You just have to avoid doing a lot of allocating and make sure you track down unwanted allocations when you have a performance problem.

I don't understand this argument. Even if the GC heap only contains a single live object, you still have to scan ALL memory that contains pointers.

So how does programming like you do in Java affect anything related to the GC?

Or are you saying that finalization is taking up most of the time?

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