On Friday, 22 January 2016 at 02:39:33 UTC, jmh530 wrote:

The LearningD book says that you should compile the libraries with DMC on Windows, but I can't figure out how to generate a shared library on DMC. I didn't get the implib error for what I was working on before.

I feel like getting stuff to work with Windows is always such a hassle, but that's the only way I'll be able to use this stuff at work.

Your confusion appears to be coming from a lack of understanding of what's going on under the hood. When working with a system language like D, it is imperative to understand what the compiler and linker are doing. The same issues you are having can arise when using C and C++, they are just less common as you tend to use the same compiler toolchain for both your executable and your libraries.

First of all, understand that DMD does not use just one linker on Windows. The default is OPTLINK, which only works with 32-bit object files (and by extension, library files, as they are just archives of objects) in the OMF format. When compiling with -m32mscoff or -m64, DMD uses the Microsoft linker, which deals with objects in the COFF format. This matters at *link time*, not at runtime. So it *generally* (see below) doesn't matter which format your DLL is in, as it is loaded at runtime no matter how you compile.

Second, understand that when you choose to link with an import library rather than loading the DLL manually, then it is the format of the import library that's important. It needs to be in the OMF format if you are compiling with vanilla DMD and in the COFF format if not. OMF import libraries can be generated from COFF DLLS with implib. Import libraries generated by the MinGW toolchain are actually in the COFF format, but they are not always compatible with the Microsoft toolchain. You are likely going to have issues even when compiling with -m32mscoff or -m64. Your implib difficulties may actually be arising because the DLL was compiled with MinGW, despite it being in COFF.

Third, understand that passing -L to DMD tells it that the succeeding flag should be passed to the linker. On Windows, -L-L has no meaning, as neither OPTLINK nor the MS linker accept the -L switch. -L is used with GCC to specify the library path, so in the command line -L-L/path/to/libs, the first -L tells DMD that the next part is for the linker and the second -L tells the linker where to find libraries. Again, this is only for the GCC toolchain. For DMD on Windows, how you specify the library path depends on whether you are linking with OPTLINK or the MS linker. As for the libraries themselves, you don't need to don't actually need the -L flag on Windows. In fact, you can save yourself some trouble and just pass the full path to any libraries you need with no flags at all:

dmd myapp.d C:\path\to\libs\mylib.lib

As long as the library is in the appropriate format, this command line will do the right thing.

I strongly recommend that you compile your DLL and generate the import library with the Microsoft tools. Then you should be able to use the 32-bit version with -m32mscoff and the 64-bit version with -m64. This should /just work/.

Development on Windows is not any more difficult than on Linux. It's annoying, sure, but not difficult. You just need to make sure that all of the tools you are using are compatible.

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