On Sunday, 13 March 2016 at 12:21:11 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
On Sunday, 13 March 2016 at 10:32:41 UTC, stunaep wrote:
I have a very large file I need to read data from at certain positions, but I have run into this error
std.conv.ConvOverflowException@std\conv.d(1328): Conversion positive overflow
when seeking to 6346890680. Seeking to smaller values such as 3580720 work with no problem. The file is well over 8GB, so it must be able to read data at positions that high.

are you on a 32 or 64 bit system?
You could try 2 or more consecutive relative seeks in place of an absolute seek.
File f = ... ;
f.seek(173445340 , SEEK_SET);
f.seek(173445340 , SEEK_REL);
also what does

I'm on 64 bit but it needs to work on both. It works for anything between 0 and 2147483647.


that throws an error before reaching f.tell()

std.exception.ErrnoException@std\stdio.d(920): Could not seek in file `./file.dat' (Invalid argument)
0x000000013FE67868 in @safe bool std.exception.errnoEnforce!(bool, "std\stdio.d", 920uL).errnoEnforce(bool, lazy immutable(char)[]) 0x000000013FE4E7D3 in @trusted void std.stdio.File.seek(long, int)

Also, seeking relative to the current position throws the same error as in the original post if it's over max signed int.

f.seek(2147483647, SEEK_SET);
writeln(f.tell()); // prints 2147483647
f.seek(4, SEEK_CUR); // throws error

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