On Monday, 14 March 2016 at 03:07:05 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:
On Monday, 14 March 2016 at 00:12:46 UTC, stunaep wrote:
On Sunday, 13 March 2016 at 12:21:11 UTC, Nicholas Wilson wrote:

I'm on 64 bit but it needs to work on both. It works for anything between 0 and 2147483647.


that throws an error before reaching f.tell()


Also, seeking relative to the current position throws the same error as in the original post if it's over max signed int.


Hmm. If you're getting an errno exception ( as opposed to a conv) I really don't think that theres anything you can do about it, as its a problem with the C standard
lib. What OS/version are you running?

what does the equivalent in C give you.

FILE* f = fopen(...,"r");

I'm currently on windows 7. The code you gave me prints 022. It's weird because it always tries to convert longs to ints and I think that is weird because the function uses a c_long.
int fseek(FILE* stream, c_long offset, int whence)

It wont even compile if I try giving it a long
Error: function core.stdc.stdio.fseek (shared(_iobuf)* stream, int offset, int whence) is not callable using argument types (shared(_iobuf)*, long, int)

I also tried giving it a c_long, but this line
c_long test = 2147483649;
gives this error for some reason...
Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (2147483649L) of type long to int

It's like c_longs are not longs at all...

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