I'm having a big problem with class members. I'm kinda new to D, so this may be my fault, but look at the following code:

import std.stdio;

class B {
        int variable;

class A {
        B b = new B();  

void main()
        // Create 10 instances of A
        foreach(i; 0 .. 10) {
                auto a = new A();

writeln(&a.b.variable, " = ", a.b.variable); // Print a.b.variable address and its value a.b.variable++;

When ran, it prints something totally different from what I expect:

430088 = 0
430088 = 1
430088 = 2
430088 = 3
430088 = 4
430088 = 5
430088 = 6
430088 = 7
430088 = 8
430088 = 9

In my opinion &a.b.variable should give different addresses for each instance of A, because it's not static. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

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