On Monday, 28 March 2016 at 21:24:48 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
If it didn't give the error, either you swallowed it or you didn't actually dereference null.

Okay, so it's not actually supposed to happen. Hopefully it's something I did wrong...

What is the db library you are using? Did you compile it along with your program or use a .lib with it?

d2sqlite3: https://github.com/biozic/d2sqlite3

Compiled it along with my program. And "Database.prepare" is neither static, nor final. I keep describing it wrong though, what I ended up doing. It's easier to just write a program to describe it. What I ended up doing was like this:

struct Database {
  string derp;
  Statement prepare(string s) {
        return Statement(1234);

struct Statement {
  int member;
  void bind(int column, int value) {
        import std.stdio;


class Wrapper {
  Database something;
  Statement prep;
  this() {
    something = Database("...");
    prep = something.prepare("...");

Wrapper oops;
void initialize() {
  oops = new Wrapper();

class Entry {
  Wrapper parent;
  this(Wrapper parent) {
    //this.parent = parent;
    parent = parent;
  void usefulmethod() {

void main() {
  auto entry = new Entry(oops);

That program causes a segmentation fault on my machine. Somehow despite never initializing Entry.parent, a class object (whose default init is a null pointer), I can still call methods on it, access members on it, and call methods on those members. No warnings or errors. The segfault doesn't happen until the bind() method.

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