On Tuesday, 29 March 2016 at 06:21:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
parent.prep.bind is translated to the following by the compiler:

"Call bind() for the object at address... let's calculate... Wherever parent is, we should add the offset of prep inside that object."

Okay, that's helpful actually. So, when accessing members of an object, it won't trigger a NPE, because the object is not dereferenced immediately, but the expected offset to the member is dereferenced. D puts off resolving pointer addresses as much as possible, so instead of bind((*parent).(*prep)) it's more like bind(parentlocation + prepoffset) and only (this.)member resolves to (*(parentlocation + prepoffset).member).

I thought it had an extra layer of pointer indirection, like if class object A has address 1234, and member A.b has offset 0x20, then you first dereference address 1234 (to get 4321 say) and then add 0x20 to that. But actually a class object is... already dereferenced, and is an integer representing the address to the object, not a pointer to that address.

Variables representing fixed, definite memory locations really throws me sometimes. You can't assign to a const, because that assigns to const marked memory, and doesn't just move the variable somewhere else. And NPE doesn't occur with a class, because setting it to NULL, and accessing a member is more like this in C:

intptr_t a = 0;
(struct B*)(a+0x20).member

and less like this in C:

intptr_t* a = 0;
(struct B*)(*a+0x20).member

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