On Saturday, 16 April 2016 at 14:08:05 UTC, newBeeee wrote:
Let's say you have decided to use D programming language. For what kind of applications would you choose D programming language and For what kind of applications you won't choose D programming.

I use D for pretty much everything. I use for a new website I'm working on using D and my own custom template engine for rendering websites similar to asp.net,'s mvc and razor. I use it for most applications I do, small or big. The only time I don't use D is when I'm at work since I work with a lot of already existing .net code but I'd never start a new project not written in D. The reason is pretty simply; D had everything that could ever need and things it lacks has never been things I couldn't do myself. By using D I have achieved and accomplished things much faster than any other languages that I use/used and it's been performing better too. I haven't had a reason not to use D yet.

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