On Saturday, 16 April 2016 at 14:08:05 UTC, newBeeee wrote:
Let's say you have decided to use D programming language. For what kind of applications would you choose D programming language and For what kind of applications you won't choose D programming.

I might be in the minority opinion here but personally I wouldn't use D for enterprise applications in a Fortune 500 type environment unless there was a significant order of magnitude advantage to doing so (i.e. some niche that D really shines in compared to Java/C#). I'd say this for the following reasons:

a. Eco-system. D is a great language but it's eco-system of libraries is very weak compared to more mature stacks, integration in a heterogeneous enterprise environment is not going to be D's forte.

b. Talent availability. Java/C# developers are easy to find, D not so much

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