On Friday, 3 June 2016 at 15:47:16 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Thursday, 2 June 2016 at 04:01:03 UTC, Pie? wrote:
Thanks, I'll look into it. I have tried OpenGL with simpledisplay but I cannot draw to the window. I assume other drawing methods are required?

Yeah, you have to use the OpenGL functions instead of my painter functions.

If so, I can use gamehelpers.d to do the drawing of the images?

Yeah, the OpenGlTexture class can help with it. You can construct it with a TrueColorImage (readPng gives MemoryImage which you can call .getAsTrueColorImage on to get one)

Then the OpenGlTexture has a draw method which you can call from inside the redrawOpenGlScene method. OpenGL coordinates are different than desktop, but the `create2dWindow` method in gamehelpers.d will create one with a matrix that matches out.

So the function might look like:

SimpleWindow window = create2dWindow("your title", width, height);

auto image = new OpenGlTexture(readPng(your_png_file).getAsTrueColorImage));

window.redrawOpenGlScene = {
   image.draw(x, y);


Use window.redrawOpenGlSceneNow(); in the event loop to make it redraw.

Thanks! It is working. A few issues with my images being clipped and not throwing when file doesn't exist... but transparency and such does exist.

Is the display double buffered or will I need to deal with that myself?

Also, when the window is resized it goes white. Any ideas how to fix that?

Thanks again! Your code has been the easiest to work with! Normally have all kinds of problems.

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