On Friday, 10 June 2016 at 07:28:44 UTC, Begah wrote:
On Thursday, 9 June 2016 at 19:00:42 UTC, cy wrote:
I can't help but notice that loadModel is not a static member function, yet you don't seem to call it with a Model object in your "get" function.

Also have a look at std.typecons.RefCounted if you want reference counted data..

loadModel is not a method, it is a function. Being a function it doesn't have a 'this' so doesn't need to be called with an object. Also, i tried using std.typecons.RefCounted but i didn't like the lack of control i had over it ( refCount is private and only has a getter method ).

I have found the problem and i still don't understand why i was a problem :
struct Model
        TextureType[] textures;

        this(TextureType[] textures...) {
                this.textures = textures[];

In the constructor, i copied the textures to the model's inner texture array, and for some reason this caused the problem.
So i needed to change to something like :

this.textures.length = textures.length;
foreach(i; 0..textures.length) {
        this.textures[i] = textures[i];

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