On Monday, 13 June 2016 at 16:46:38 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
On Sunday, 12 June 2016 at 14:22:54 UTC, Joerg Joergonson wrote:
Error: undefined identifier 'Sleep' in module 'core.thread', did you mean function 'Sleep'?

It is supposed to be `Thread.sleep(10000.seconds);`

I'm pretty sure the capital Sleep() is supposed to be private (that is the OS-specific Windows api call).

Ok, I tried both and Sleep was the one that worked for some odd ball reason. Then it seemed to stop working I think(I tried it in a different spot)... maybe user error.

Basically keeping the event loop uses around 12% cpu and 12MB of memory.

That's weird, it just sleeps until a message comes in from the OS. On my computer, programs sit at 0% like you'd expect, and my guitest program (which has text areas, buttons, menu, etc) eats ~1.7 MB, both 32 and 64 bit versions.

Are you running some other program that might be sending a lot of broadcast messages?

Not that I know of. I haven't tried running it outside VS though so it might be doing something weird. I'll investigate further when I get a chance and get further down the road.

About the WM size thing, I haven't had a problem with it except for the weird vertical shifting. It doesn't use any more cpu when constantly resizing.

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