On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 15:04:38 UTC, jmh530 wrote:
On Wednesday, 7 September 2016 at 11:37:44 UTC, Russel Winder wrote:

I really don't see what's not working in this.

Trying to get new D users from Python users is the main problem.

I came to D from Python/R/Matlab. The biggest issue for me wasn't error messages so much as the lack of good libraries for a lot of things.

Nevertheless, the longer I've been using D, the more I agree that there could be some improvements in D's error messages. Andre had posted about the Sparrow language a while back
He liked their use of concepts. I think at a minimum it would enable better error messages.

I too come from the R world and I have been playing the game of flitting between R and C++; using C++ (through RCpp) to speed up slow things in R for some time and I have been looking for a better solution.

For some time I have been considering a problem to do with creating tables with unbounded types, one of the failed attempts is here: https://forum.dlang.org/thread/gdjaoxypicsxlfvzw...@forum.dlang.org?page=1 I then exchanged emails with Lucian, Sparrows creator and he very quickly and simply outlined the solution to the problem. Thereafter I read his PhD thesis - one of the most informative texts in computer science I have read and very well written.

At the moment, there are lots of languages attempting to solve the dynamic-static loop, being able to have features inherent in dynamic programming languages, while keeping the safety and performance that comes with a static compiled programming language, and then doing so in a language that doesn't cause your brain to bleed. The "One language to rule them all" motif of Julia has hit the rocks; one reason is because they now realize that their language is being held back because the compiler cannot infer certain types for example: http://www.johnmyleswhite.com/notebook/2015/11/28/why-julias-dataframes-are-still-slow/

A language that can create arbitrary complex programs is the kind of thing that changes the world. I don't think D should be left out and should take Sparrow very seriously indeed.

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