On Tuesday, 25 October 2016 at 13:58:33 UTC, Saurabh Das wrote:

Oh that sounds pretty cool.

While I probably won't use it right now, embedding R inside D would be a good learning opportunity. Is it available on code.dlang.org or on GitHub?


Installation amounts to installing a couple of R packages that I have on Bitbucket, as described on the project page. I have basic usage examples there as well. You can find the project here:

This is barebones, designed only to allow passing of data (via pointers) between the two languages and to execute R code from a D program. I have other libraries that do various things (call D functions from R, optimization, quadratic programming, ARMA estimation, etc.) but haven't yet had time to write examples or documentation. If you would like to see any of that or have questions about the embedr library, you can email me at the address given on this page:

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