On Wednesday, 16 November 2016 at 14:59:40 UTC, Edwin van Leeuwen wrote:

If you are happy to use dub I would just add the GL library as a dependency to my dub.json file. Then if you call dub it will download and compile the necessary file.

Example dub.json file:
        "name": "myWindow",
        "authors": [
        "description": "A minimal D application.",
        "copyright": "Copyright © 2016, Darren",
        "dependencies": {
                "derelict-gl3": "~>2.0.0-alpha.2"

You'll also want the derelict-glfw3 binding so that you can create the window and OpenGL context in the same way as the learnopengl.com tutorials. Moreover, as the maintainer of Derelict, I advise against using the 'alpha' versions of the Derelict libraries for now given that this is a learning exercise. Your dependencies should look more like this:

"dependencies": {
    "derelict-gl3": "~>1.0.19"
    "derelict-glfw3" : "~>3.1.1"

You don't need to worry about CMake, as DUB fills that role (and more). You also don't need to worry about GLEW, which is strictly a C and C++ thing. DerelictGL3 will perform the same function. Just make sure you have the latest GLFW DLL in your project directory on Windows, or have installed it in the system directories on Mac or Linux. On Windows, you can save yourself some trouble by structuring your tutorial directories something like this:

- learnogl
- bin
-- glfw3.dll
-- HelloWindow
--- dub.json
-- HelloTriangle
--- dub.json

Then, somewhere in each dub.json, add the following line:

"targetPath": "../bin"

Make sure each dub.json has a different "name". On Mac or Linux, the GLFW shared library will be in on of the system directories after you install it, so you don't need to worry about it.

Here are some major points you need to be aware of that will differ from the tutorial:

* You don't need to link with any libraries. All of the Derelict packages are dynamic bindings by default [1], so there are no link-time dependencies. That means the share libraries (DLLs) need to be loaded manually. Before you call any OpenGL or GLFW functions, you need the following two lines (preferably at the top of your main function to play it safe):


This will load the libraries. For GLFW, that's all you need to use it. For OpenGL, this will only load the the functions up to 1.1. In order to load the rest, you first need to create a context. In the learnopengl.com tutorial called 'Hello Window', completely ignore the following:

glewExperimental = GL_TRUE;
if (glewInit() != GLEW_OK)
    std::cout << "Failed to initialize GLEW" << std::endl;
    return -1;

Remember, you don't need GLEW. Instead, replace it with this:


Make sure it's after the call to glfwMakeContextCurrent. With that, you'll be able to mostly use the same C code the tutorial uses in your D programs. There are a small number of subtle differences that will cause the D compiler to complain (mostly about implicit conversions), but I won't list them here because that will just confuse you. When you encounter them, if it isn't obvious what's going on, you can always come back here and ask for help.

[1] http://derelictorg.github.io/bindings/

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