On Monday, 13 February 2017 at 17:44:10 UTC, Moritz Maxeiner wrote:
To be clear: While I might, in general, agree that using shared methods only for thread safe methods seems to be a sensible restriction, neither language nor compiler require it to be so; and absence of evidence of a useful application is not evidence of absence.

Right, a private shared method can be a good use case for a thread-unsafe shared method.

__gshared int f = 0, x = 0;
Object monitor;

// thread 1
synchronized (monitor) while (f == 0);
// Memory barrier required here
synchronized (monitor) writeln(x)

// thread 2
synchronized (monitor) x = 42;
// Memory barrier required here
synchronized (monitor) f = 1;

Not sure about this example, it demonstrates a deadlock.

My opinion on the matter of `shared` emitting memory barriers is that either the spec and documentation[1] should be updated to reflect that sequential consistency is a non-goal of `shared` (and if that is decided this should be accompanied by an example of how to add memory barriers yourself), or it should be implemented.

I'm looking at this in terms of practical consequences and useful language features. What people are supposed to think and do when they see "guarantees sequential consistency"? I mean people at large.

I agree, message passing is considerably less tricky and you're unlikely to shoot yourself in the foot. Nonetheless, there are valid use cases where the overhead of MP may not be acceptable.

Performance was a reason to not provide barriers. People, who are concerned with performance, are even unhappy with virtual methods, they won't be happy with barriers on every memory access.

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