On Wednesday, 15 February 2017 at 23:40:41 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 02/15/2017 03:20 PM, Jean Cesar wrote:
How do I make a class person where I use set and get methods to imput
the user type:

I have some information here:


You should also know how to read strings:


And this section about refactoring has the concept of a readInt() function template:


Combining all three:

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;

auto read(T)(ref T t, string message)
if (!isSomeString!T) {
    writef("%s: ", message);
    readf(" %s", &t);
    return t;

auto read(S)(ref S s, string message)
if (isSomeString!S) {
    import std.string : strip;
    writef("%s: ", message);
    s = readln().strip();
    return s;

class person
    string name, address;
    int age;
    float height;

    void setNome()
        read(name, "Enter Your Name");

    void setIty()
        read(age, "Enter Your Age");

    void setHeight()
        read(height, "Enter Your Height");

    float getHeight()
        return height;

    int getIty()
        return age;

    string getNome()
        return name;


void main ()
    person p = new person();



Unrelated, a bunch of get/set methods is commonly seen as inferior to a design where another piece of code does the reading and makes the object after the fact:

person readPerson(File input) {
    // ... parse the input ...
    // Potentially, use the constructor:
    auto p = new person(name, age, /* ... */);
    return p;

One reason is the fact that the person may be seen as incomplete and unusable unless all fields are set. Again, it's beside the point... :)


So I'm a beginner in this language and have very little time I started I'm interested in apprehending concepts of object orientation polymorphism inheritance, multiple inheritance as in c ++, but I did not understand how to use constructor in it
Because I simply did.

Class person
   ~ Person () {}

And error ...

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