On Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 18:33:33 UTC, Meta wrote:
On Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 18:21:51 UTC, Meta wrote:
On Thursday, 23 February 2017 at 16:01:44 UTC, John Colvin wrote:
Is there any way to get a reference/alias to the instantiation of a template function that would be called, given certain parameters? I.e. to get the result of whatever template parameter inference (and overload resolution) has occurred?

E.g. for some arbitrarily complex foo:

static assert(__traits(compiles, foo(3)));
alias fooWithInt = someMagic(foo(3));

so if foo was `void foo(T)(T t) {}` then `fooWithInt` would be `foo!int`, but if it was `void foo(Q = float, T = long)(T t)` then `fooWithInt` would be `foo!(float, int)`

I don't believe so, because foo(3) is a value (void), not a type like foo!int would be. You can't get it back after you've called the function. You would have to do something like:

alias fooWithInt = someMagic!foo(3);

Where someMagic constructs the alias to foo!int based on the type of arguments passed, or something like that.

A quick and rough example I threw together. Annoyingly, I can't figure out a way to tell the compiler that I want to printout the symbol of fooWithInt, not call it without parens. The best I can do is print out its type.

void foo(T)(T t) {}
void foo(Q = float, T = long)(T t) {}

alias Typeof(alias v) = typeof(v);

template getInstantiation(alias f, T...)
    import std.meta;

    alias getInstantiation = f!(staticMap!(Typeof, T));

alias fooWithInt = getInstantiation!(foo, 3);
alias fooWithLong = getInstantiation!(foo, 3L);

void main()
    pragma(msg, typeof(fooWithInt));
    pragma(msg, typeof(fooWithLong));

Unfortunately that only works by accident of my example. A counterexample:

T foo(Q = float, T = short)(T t) { return t; }

alias Typeof(alias v) = typeof(v);

template getInstantiation(alias f, T...)
    import std.meta;
    alias getInstantiation = f!(staticMap!(Typeof, T));

static assert(is(typeof(foo(3)) == int)); // ok
static assert(is(typeof(getInstantiation!(foo, 3)(3)) == int)); // fails

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