
I have a method for range:

struct Range {
    immutable(ubyte[]) _buffer;
    size_t             _pos;

    @property void popFront() pure @safe {
enforce(_pos < _buffer.length, "popFront from empty buffer");

I'd like to have @nogc here, but I can't because enforce() is non-@nogc. I have a trick but not sure if it is valid, especially I don't know if optimization will preserve code, used for throwing:

import std.string;

struct Range {
    immutable(ubyte[]) _buffer;
    size_t  _pos;

    this(immutable(ubyte[]) s) {
        _buffer = s;
    @property void popFront() pure @safe @nogc {
        if (_pos >= _buffer.length ) {
            auto _ = _buffer[$]; // throws RangeError

void main() {
        auto r = Range("1".representation);
        r.popFront(); // throws

Is it ok to use it? Is there any better solution?


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