On Wednesday, 12 April 2017 at 14:46:20 UTC, solidstate1991 wrote:

Yes, templates. I've looked this up a bit, and I found it. I want to use it to use the dictionaries for different things than string<->int conversion.

T is just the common name of a (type) parameter, mostly whenever the template is more generic that you can't think of a more informative (template) parameter name. Just like you could use "str" for a string or "i" for an int name. But in you case you could use a more informative name such as "keyType" since you are describing keyType -> valueType dictionaries, also called associative arrays.

Moreover these dictionaries are built-in basic types in D:

This should be the Dictionary(int), string<->string conversion should be done with Dictionary(string). Int<->string should be done as Dictionary(string,int) if possible.

So according to the spec linked above, those examples would be declared:

string[int] dict1;
string[string] dict2;
int[string] dict3;

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