On Wednesday, 31 May 2017 at 17:23:46 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 05/30/2017 11:50 PM, Daniel Kozak via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:

> How do you compile it? When I use ldc2 -O3  -release
-mcpu=bdver1 lc.d
> my code is even faster than wc

My bad: I'm not familiar with ldc's optimization options. (I used -O3 but not -release) Now I get the same performance as 'wc -l' when I add -release.


It seems to me that your initial result is more interesting: you manage to get faster than wc *while keeping bound safety*. At a time where safety is finally getting the importance it should always have had showing that you can write fast code without sacrifiying any of it is important I think.

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