Hi... A while back i had some issues with making a usable dll file, to which i did manage to figure out... Though while trying to use it with C++ i kept getting an error about a corrupted lib file...

I had in mind the idea to create a few dlls as me and a few friends(Mixed between C++ users and D) but as the issue above I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if that's just not a possibility, I'm not quite sure WHAT I'm needing to look for to find the information about .lib files and how the work and all that cause i haven't been able to find anything if there is anything.

So from anyone here who's experienced with this stuff (As i can find resources about making mixed C++ and D project but nothing to do with .lib issues) is it possible to use shared libraries between C++ and D, if so is it 2 sided(where each can use the others produced dll) or 1 sided (one can use the others but not vice versa) as well I had the idea maybe the DMD stuff produces incompatible lib files maybe and another compiler or a command can produce a compatible one... i have no idea so any suggestions are welcome and thank you in advanced for your response!

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