On Wednesday, 5 July 2017 at 15:48:14 UTC, Jolly James wrote:
On Wednesday, 5 July 2017 at 15:44:47 UTC, Igor Shirkalin wrote:
On Wednesday, 5 July 2017 at 15:30:08 UTC, Jolly James wrote:
WhatEver[] q = [];


auto i = new WhatEver();
q[] = i;

How does one remove that instance 'i'?

What exactly do you want to remove? After a[]=i your array contain a lot of references to 'i'.

I would like to know how works: removing
 - the first
 - and all
references to 'i' inside the 'q'.

Perhaps, for all references to i it should look like:
a = a.filter!(a => a !is i).array;

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