On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 18:37:17 UTC, EntangledQuanta wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 08:13:02 UTC, Andre Pany wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 September 2017 at 07:32:24 UTC, EntangledQuanta wrote:
I would like to use D as a "scripting" language for my D app. There seems to be no such thing.

Since we can include the D compiler in our distribution, it is easy to enable "plugin" capabilities, but directly interfacing with the source code seems like it would require a bit of work(duplicating the code that one wants to include so it can be linked in and "hot swapping").

Which OS do you use? I had a similiar idea but failed on windows due to some strange effects. I think they were caused by the known windows dll unload bug, discussed here: http://forum.dlang.org/thread/rreyasqnvyagrkvqr...@forum.dlang.org

At the end I decided to use the script engine from Adam Ruppe (arsd) until this bug is fixed.

Kind regards

Yes, windows ;/ Seems that thread has some answers! Maybe bug him enough to fix the bug?

How far did you get with it?

"The problem seems to only manifest when a proper DllMain() method is exported from the library. If none is provided, or if the given implementation can be optimized away, the error does not ocurr."

Was that the case for you too? That could be overcome with just using a normal function that is called right after loading?

I'm curious how the exporting of code as that seems to be the biggest challenge(so that we don't have to hand write the exports ourselves).


My issue was that after unload the shared library, the dll file was still locked for deletion on the file system. Therefore I was not able to change something in my "script" and restart it. Somehow even after terminating in task manager, the dll file was still locked. I assume this reproducable effect is caused by the known issue.
I already give up at this point ):

Just an idea for you: in delphi you can set the properties of a component (a class with runtime reflection enabled) on runtime. You can even call the methods and events of a component. I build a Delphi Bridge for D (see recent post on announce). It is almost the same scenario as here are also dll calls involved. What I want to say, you could build something like the Delphi rtti for your D classes and make generic methods available via the dll interface.

Kind regards

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