On Friday, 15 September 2017 at 16:04:52 UTC, Spacen wrote:

Thanks for the reply that is exactly it. I downloaded several dlls from the internet, and then decided to build it myself. I see there is a bzip configuration option but I'll need to read the documentation and presumably bzip gets linked into the dll.

I managed to get the application running by ignoring these missing functions:

                symbolName == "FT_Stream_OpenBzip2" ||
symbolName == "FT_Get_CID_Registry_Ordering_Supplement" || symbolName == "FT_Get_CID_Is_Internally_CID_Keyed" ||
                symbolName == "FT_Get_CID_From_Glyph_Index"
            ) {

I imagine there will be a crash if they actually get called.

If you call them, yes. Or if you link with any third-party D libraries that call them with the expectation that you've loaded them (but I don't know of any such thing).

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