On Monday, 4 December 2017 at 11:51:42 UTC, Nick Sabalausky (Abscissa) wrote:
On 12/03/2017 03:05 PM, bitwise wrote:

One thing to keep in mind: Any time you're talking about moving anything from one repo to another, there's exactly two basic primitives there: push and pull. Both of them are basically the same simple thing: All they're about is copying the latest new commits (or tags) from WW branch on XX repo, to YY branch on ZZ repo. All other git commands that move anything bewteen repos start out with this basic "push" or "pull" primitive. (Engh, technically "fetch" is even more of a primitive than those, but I find it more helpful to think in terms of "push/pull" for the most typical daily tasks.)
No, the pair us push/fetch. pull is fetch+merge and a lot of confusion comes from that in fact. I've seen several people cursing git because of that idea that pull is the opposite of push. When I explained that they should never use git pull, but always separating fetch from the merge, it clicked every time. So, avoid pull, look first what fetch does and if that is what you thought it would do, do the merge and be happy.

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